Scientific divulgation Magazine

Emianopsia is a popular science magazine that hosts top health professionals (ophthalmologists, neurologists, orthoptists, and psychologists) to create a corner of the web where information is clear and accurate.

Latest articles

Perceptual Learning and visual rehabilitation of the visually impaired patient
Perceptual Learning and visual rehabilitation of the visually impaired patient

The article examines the role of perceptual learning in the rehabilitation of the visually impaired patient, highlighting how brain plasticity enables perceptual improvements in the case of various pathological conditions.

Visual snow syndrome: the visual approach
Visual snow syndrome: the visual approach

With the exclusive contribution of Sierra Domb, CEO of Visual Snow Initiative, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the visual snow phenomenon.

Stroke: what happens to eyesight?
Stroke: what happens to eyesight?

This article investigates visual impairment caused by stroke, treatments for rehabilitation of hemianopia and visual neglect, risk factors, and prevention.

Color perception and diagnostic tests
Color perception and diagnostic tests

Color perception greatly enriches in detail what we observe but can sometimes function abnormally. We learn about the psychophysical process of color vision, causes of perceptual deficits, and specific tests.

Hemianopia in relation to other pathologies
Hemianopia in relation to other pathologies

Hemianopsia is often the first onset of severe brain disease (e.g., aneurysms, tumors, and strokes). Let us review some rare cases of hemianopsia related to less common diseases.

Treatments for patients with hemianopia
Treatments for patients with hemianopia

Going downstairs, grasping objects, reading and writing are some of the difficulties that patients with hemianopsia face on a daily basis. Let’s find out how rehabilitation plays an important role in visual recovery.

Types of Hemianopias
Types of Hemianopias

Let’s clarify the types of hemianopias by simulating the vision of a person with this important visual field deficit.

Neglect: Rehabilitation perspectives and intervention modalities
Neglect: Rehabilitation perspectives and intervention modalities

Is it possible to unknowingly ignore a part of one’s body or space? Let’s find out about the perception impairments of neglect.

Acquired Nystagmus
Acquired Nystagmus

Acquired Nystagmus manifests as oscillatory eye movement, dizziness, difficulty focusing, postural instability and sometimes nausea. Let’s find out causes and possible treatments.

Hemianopsia and diseases of the optic chiasma
Hemianopsia and diseases of the optic chiasma

Lesions of the optic chiasm can cause various visual field alterations: the most common alteration is bitemporal heteronymous hemianopsia.

The Nystagmus test in childhood
The Nystagmus test in childhood

Orthoptic evaluation is essential in children presenting with nystagmus: visual acuity, the presence of strabismus, and the study of ocular motility allow the specialist to choose the correct treatment.

Hemianopsia: neuroscience and neuropsychological rehabilitation
Hemianopsia: neuroscience and neuropsychological rehabilitation

The rehabilitation of hemianopsia requires multidisciplinary teamwork and the creation of an customized rehabilitation project.