Graziana Romano

Graziana Romano

Psicologa di area Neuropsicologica e Psicoterapeuta in formazione

La Dott.ssa Graziana Romano è laureata in psicologia con magistrale in neuroscienze cognitive; sta inoltre seguendo un master di II livello in “neuroscienze cliniche: riabilitazione neuropsicologica e neuromotoria”.

Durante gli anni di studio, ha svolto numerosi tirocini in ambito clinico prima in Sicilia e poi a Parma, dove sta portando avanti un tirocinio professionalizzante in una struttura di psichiatria e riabilitazione.

Visual rehabilitation

Scopi le terapie più efficaci per trattare i problemi di vista

Graziana Romano ha scritto 6 articoli

Vascular dementia: what are symptoms, causes and treatments?
Vascular dementia: what are symptoms, causes and treatments?

Cognitive impairment that occurs with vascular dementia can cause impaired memory and orientation.

Stroke: symptoms, consequences, and rehabilitation
Stroke: symptoms, consequences, and rehabilitation

Cerebral stroke is the third cause of death in Italy. How can we recognize the symptoms and how does rehabilitation take place?

Frontotemporal dementia: what it is, symptoms and rehabilitation
Frontotemporal dementia: what it is, symptoms and rehabilitation

Frontotemporal dementia may be confused with an early form of Alzheimer’s disease.

BCI: Neural interface rehabilitation approaches
BCI: Neural interface rehabilitation approaches

Early-Stage Rehabilitation with BCI in Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer and cognitive rehabilitation: their progress in recent years
Alzheimer and cognitive rehabilitation: their progress in recent years

An overview of “Alzheimer’s and cognitive rehabilitation”: their significance over the years.

Alzheimer’s: cases to double every 20 years
Alzheimer’s: cases to double every 20 years

Continuum between cognitive decay and Alzheimer’s disease.