Enrica Fontanelli

Enrica Fontanelli

Ortottista ed Assistente in Oftalmologia

Dr. Fontanelli is an Assistant Orthoptist in Ophthalmology with a degree in Orthoptics and Ophthalmic Assisting from the University of Siena; she is also pursuing a First Level Master’s degree at the Universitỳ La Sapienza in Rome in “New Techniques and Strategies in Visual Rehabilitation.”

He currently conducts research in ophthalmology at the C.N.R. Tuscany Region foundation. His expertise ranges from:

  • Anatomy and pathology of the visual apparatus
  • Neuroophthalmology
  • Ocular surgery
  • Functional rehabilitation
  • Hypovision
  • Campimetry
  • Ocular and related diseases
  • Ocular motility clinic and rehabilitation
  • Orthoptic sciences in the pediatric setting.

Dr. Floriana Ferranti is qualified in the evaluation and rehabilitation of hemianopsia.

Visual rehabilitation

Scopi le terapie più efficaci per trattare i problemi di vista

Enrica Fontanelli ha scritto 2 articoli

Glaucoma: 112 million patients by 2040
Glaucoma: 112 million patients by 2040

Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, as well as a major cause of impairments in the vision field.

Field of view: the point of view of patients with deficits
Field of view: the point of view of patients with deficits

Dr Fontanelli offers us the patient’s point of view on hemianopsia (deficiency of the visual field) and telemedicine.